Since I posted a couple weeks ago about wanting to get into volunteering, Raul forwarded me a link from 826LA where they said that they needed Volunteers for the L.A. Times Festival of Books. I figured, since I was going anyway, this would be a great way to get started on that, right?
When I got there, everyone seemed friendly enough….until they mentioned words like “training” and “orientation.”
Turns out you can’t just “sign up” to be a volunteer – you have to go through an orientation & training process where they make sure that you’re qualified to be a volunteer! (aka “not insanely violent / a child molester, etc.”)
They were nice enough about it, though – but I could tell they were a little….upset(?) by this whole predicament.
So yeah.....that was a bit awkward.

They “let me leave early,” though, which was nice of them….I think.
The Volunteer Coordinator emailed me the next day saying that they appreciated my help and just wanted to “tell me a little more about the volunteer process." (ha, ha…hah) I emailed her back and asked if they could fit me in to one of their Orientations next Saturday.
So….another bump in the road, but at least I’m getting started!