A lot of things are happening these days that require me to spend more money than I’m used to. Below is a list of my recent spending habits:
• Taking friends out to dinner for their birthdays ($$)
• Fixing my Car ($$$$)
• Eating out with friends ($$)
• Drinks with friends ($$)
• Taking co-workers / boss out to lunch for their birthdays ($$)
• Donating to charitable causes ($)
• Going to Disneyland with my brother ($$$)
• Seeing people off (and buying them drinks) before they leave town ($$)
• Moving from one apartment to another ($????)
The “$” signs indicate how expensive these things are.
And to make matters worse, I just registered for Camp Hollywood! (What was I thinking?)

But the $119.00 competitor’s rate for the Amateur Jack & Jill contest + parking for 3 days < $185.00 full weekend pass + $200 plus Hotel room.
While I’m not on my way to the poor house just yet, I look at this list (and my bank statement) and can’t help but think “I’ve been too free with my monies lately when I should be saving it for a rainy day."
Last month alone, I took out two friends for their birthday....TWICE.
(2 friends x 2 dinners = 4 dinners total).
So the below is an E-Affidavit (E-ffidavit?) I’ve written up pledging to save money. I know it won’t be legally binding - I haven’t signed it in the presence of any of you, never mind if you’re a notaryt – but hopefully you, the good readers of my blog, will help remind me why I wrote this whenever you see me spending / withdrawing money from an ATM.
Now behold – The E-ffidavit!
(for realz)
Monday, May 10th, 2010.
State of California
County of Los Angeles
BEFORE ME (the reader)
, the undersigned Notary,
on this Monday, May 10th, 2010
, personally read the weblog post of Stoodert
, known to me to be a credible person and of lawful age, who being by me first duty sworn, on his oath, deposes and says he will:
1) Stop spending money on things that are not necessary – necessary being defined as all things related to:
- Travel
- Work
- Repairing / replacement of broken / lost items,
- Payment of current debts, bills, loans, etc.
- meals (to be cooked at home, unless at work)
- swing-dancing (it’s necessary)
2) Conserve money whenever possible on the above listed necessary things by looking for cheap alternatives to otherwise regularly priced expenses.
3) Keep a better record of his spendings.
Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this Monday, May 10th, 2010
by Stoodert
, provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me.
(To sign this E-ffidavit, please write “notarized” in the comments section of this blog)
To make your own E-ffidavit