And since I make it a rule not to blog about drama (of any kind) I’m just gonna ask for your two cents on a debate I had with a friend of mine.
I asked this friend if he ever wanted to have kids (someone earlier had asked me this and I wanted to get other people’s opinions) and he told me that, while he wanted kids, he preferred to adopt rather than have kids of his own.
When I asked him why he wanted to adopt, he replied that he thought bringing a child into this world when there are so many kids already without parents would be selfish.
This struck a chord with me (because it sounded like he felt there was something wrong with that) so I told him that I thought he was wrong: having a child isn’t selfish; it’s a natural & reasonable desire.
He relented a little, saying that maybe “selfish” was too strong of a word, but he insisted that having children served no other purpose than their own self-serving desire to have kids. Adopting, on the other hand, can spare a child from the foster-care system and improve two lives instead of adding one more to this over-populated earth.
I reiterated that wanting a child of your own but he kept insisting that it was only selfish / self-serving. I wanted to argue otherwise but, not really wanting kids myself, I couldn’t think of a way to diffuse his logic. (I know it’s flawed, but I just can’t see how!) Every other person I’ve asked has said they wanted them for “selfish” reasons too; they all basically wanted a little version of themselves to leave behind after they died.
(Interesting side note – Socrates (or Plato writing as Socrates) argued that having children was a way of achieving immortality and that this was the whole biological purpose of love – survival of the species. He also argued that another way of achieving this same kind of immortality was to be remembered as having thought of a great idea)
After thinking about it for a while, I can only come up with one reason to have your own child that isn’t entirely self-serving – to please your parents by giving them grandchildren.

I guess they *are* kind of cute, aren't they?
Anyway, as I said before, I just wanted to ask for your two cents with this post - what do you all think about having kids? Is it "selfish" / "self-serving" to want kids of your own? Is it wrong to be selfish in that way?
Wanting to have our own kid is programmed in your brain. That's what all the living creatures do.
I don't think it's selfish. It's just the way it is.
Adoption can happen in a natural world with wild animals, but I guess for human it's more than a maternal sense matter.
I personally think that adoption is in a way "selfish" thing. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing against adoption. I think it's a great thing for kids in unfortunate situations.
But I feel sometimes it happens because it's a trend
(celebrities adopting from poor country as if it's a "cool" thing to do) or maybe little bit of "I'm doing a great thing" to make them feel better?(excluding the cases with parents with fertility problem)
I'm not sure if I'm making sense and I hope I don't offend anybody...
Makes sense to me!
Given the idea I haven't completely decided if I really want kids at all!
I think I'd be a bad parent and the thought of that scares me because I don't want to pay for a psychiatrist to treat my kid for the damage I inflicted and on the same hand if the kid ended up in jail or in some worse circumstances I would feel utterly awful.
I applaud people who want kids and have kids. Good job at bringing a piece of yourselves into the world and sacrificing your time,sleep, and other things so your child can have a good life :)
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