Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I consider myself a pretty good friend to the people I know:

I’m punctual
I try to be considerate
I like to think that I’m funny / not obnoxious.
I even do that thing where I ask people how they are and listen when they answer.

So it kind of surprised me to discover that a certain friend of mine that I used to work with “de-friended” me on Facebook.

Granted we don’t talk / see each other as much since I left that job, but I never expected my friend (who we’ll call SHHU) to actively indicate via internet that they no longer want to keep in touch with me! Especially since we still have several mutual friends. But I guess it happens. People “clean up” their facebook profiles and cut ties with old (facebook) friends all the time.

As I said, though, I’m only “kinda surprised” because SHHU is kind of a “drama queen” that way. And since I’m not really sure what I did to warrant such an act, I can only shrug and move on.

But still, it’s a little insulting to find out that a person I’ve been nothing but nice to doesn’t even considers me their facebook friend anymore (the lowest of friendships).


Anonymous said...

I'll defriend you and add you again if that helps you feel better.

Stoodert said...

Good to know that you'd "re-friend" me even though we hardly see each other these days, but I'd prefer we just remain friends rather than have the whole "falling in / out of touch" drama.