Thursday, January 7, 2010

When Friends Meet Friends

So here’s something I noticed a while ago that I noticed again (re-noticed?) when I went back home for the Holidays….!

I have several different groups of friends that don’t like each other.

“I don’t know why you hang out with them.”
“Really? You still keep in touch with him?”
“I don’t care for [that person] Maybe later.”

So when I went back home, I found myself hanging out with everyone in shifts.

It seems very fitting to me that this happened with the people that I knew from high school because this all seems very “high school” to me. (All those cliques, etc.)

The MPSA theatre crowd still hang only with each other
High school grudges still linger (fester?) from when we were sixteen
Old bf/gfs still don’t want to see each other
And some old classmates still think of themselves as “too cool” for the rest of the school.

This was a common occurrence whenever a group of my friends met with another ~ they immediately dislike each other. There were all these dividing factors amongst everyone:

IB honors vs. AP Honors
Chemistry vs. Physics
Band vs. Theatre vs. Yearbook vs. Visual Arts

Even the friends I made during boy scouts couldn’t get along with my friends from school….and it strikes me as weird how some things never change.

I’m sure I’m guilty of this too ~ my ten year high school reunion is coming up next year and I’m pretty sure I’m not going to go. There are a ton of people from school that I just don’t really care to keep up with and I’m not that curious about everyone else. So why bother, amIrite?

But if one of those people were to call me up and ask to hang out, I wouldn’t say no.

I gotta find out how they got my number, don’t I?

P.S. - did you see my New years resolution list? I hope by having one written down in a place where I can see it constantly, I'll work harder to accomplish all that.


-∆ said...

Wait, so of the Souvaly crew, who is too cool for whom?

Stoodert said...

I don't really want to name names, but a certain mutual acquaintance of ours (that had to extend his stay in HI for another month) has stated that he finds a number of my friends "uninteresting."

Jamie said...

I'm sorry that people create drama, but sometimes that is just how it is. Why would you want to go to the 10 year reunion anyway isn't that what google is for? Besides that has anyone in our class really done anything of significance?

Stoodert said...

But Jamie, as ridiculous as it sounds, there are probably some people from our class that *don't* have facebook or use the internet very often who want to reconnect with their friends from high school.

And it's not about "doing anything significant," it's about reconnecting with old friends.

Jamie said...

stu...i think there are certain people in my class that don't want to be found.
If you are like my dad it is often a question in people's mind on whether he shows up to reunions. Now he does 'cause he's getting old and for him in a way it's like a final show....

BTW...not to sound stalkerish though it probably is did C7 quit facebook?