Monday, January 25, 2010

Catching the "Catchphrase Fever!"

Sometimes I think it would be cool to have my very own catchphrase. I think this for a number of reasons:

First of all, catchphrases are “catchy,” which means they stick in people’s minds, making it easy for people to remember who you (the owner of said catchphrase) are. And since each catchphrase is (more or less) unique, people will begin to hang around you more just to hear you say it (it doesn’t sound the same coming from someone else) and further cement you into their memories. In fact, there are a number of famous people who are (more or less) remembered specifically for their catchphrases – thus making them immortal.

And in the end, isn’t that what we all really want?

(the correct answer is “yes”)

Secondly, catchphrases are great indicators for the type of person you are; they’re the so-called “trademark” of the user. The right catchphrase (witty & thoughtful) can create a great first impression at social settings and interviews, causing those around you to want to learn more about you (and how you came by such a witty catchphrase!)

And thirdly, catchphrases can be used to diffuse (or at least deflect) awkward situations: if the humor of the “catchiness” of the phrase doesn’t melt away the tension by putting a smile on everyone’s faces, then it’ll at least distract everyone as they wonder why the hell you chose to say your signature phrase there and then.

But then I think about the drawback to the catchphrase – that people will ultimately reduce you to it (as they do with most famous “catch phrasers”) – and move on with my life. I mean, look what happened to this guy:

Still though, if I had one, I wonder what would it be….!

ASIDE - I typed “catchphrase” into Google and found this:
Famous Political Catchphrases in the U.S.


clearisacolour said...

I was actually thinking about all of our friend's triumphant moments in college...

ev's "strawberry fields of ass"...
Nico late to a party cause he needed meat...
Kerry having the uncanny ability to ward off campus safety...

and one of the stories I remember about you is "I think I puked out of my nose". That's pretty catchy ;-P

Stoodert said...

Hah! I remember MOST of those; but not Kerry's ability to ward off Campus Safety...!

clearisacolour said...

remember her 21st b-day party in her room? everytime we had a party (even when everyone was 21)the moment campus safety came the party was over. well campus safety knocked, and drunk-ass kerry walks out, and comes back in no problems. they actually gave her a hug and said have fun! You remember how awful campus safety was... I call that a superpower.

Stoodert said...

I actually do NOT remember that (must've been too drunk?)

Was that at the beginning of senior year?? The time when Ev drank that "Koolaid" full of alcohol?

clearisacolour said...

yeah that was the night. PBR and a pack of koolaid. YUMMY (not).