Monday, March 15, 2010

God Damn Me!

So I wanted to use this post to plug my new favorite sitcom that Netflix just suggested to me: "Better Off Ted."

I watched several episodes over the weekend, loved it, and wanted to tell you how great it was in hopes of garnering support for it.

But I cant;
ABC already canceled it. (just this Month, too!)

I really want to be angry at the Network for canceling this one, but I realized recently that it's partially *my* fault this show got axed.

See, I'm too cheap for Cable TV. And too lazy to get one of those Digitial Converter box things. Plus, I'm usually not home during the evenings (I'm an active twenty-something, y'know) so what's the point?

I still like watching TV though, so I usually rent TV series through Netflix or watch them through internet sites like Hulu.

But since TV shows depend on people actually watching them during their designated time slots (especially if they want to get renewed) this doesn't really help them, does it? Can Networks even calculate ratings through the internet? (Nico - help me out here)

I guess what I'm trying to say is if we don't start paying for things like Cable (and TIVO) I think Networks are gonna stop producing TV shows that are catered to our audience. After all, why should they invest in something that "no one's going to watch"?

In any case, I still reccommend watching 'Better Off Ted" - especially now that it's on DVD. I would go so far as to say you should maybe even buy it if you like what you see.

Don't do the easy thing and just watch it on Hulu.

But if you have to, email the network everytime you do.


R.E.M. Borja said...

I've only seen a few episodes. Good show. The guy who created it also created one of my all-time favorite short-lived shows, "Andy Richter Controls the Universe." Such a great show.

Kevin Petway said...

I'm so glad you found this show! I didn't watch it until the first episode of the second season aired but I followed it religiously since then! There are still two episodes left to air but who knows when ABC will actually show them. They'll pull another Pushing Daisies with this I'm them some random series of weeks without notice... bastards!