Monday, March 15, 2010

Blogger's Block

Forgive the lack of posts. Work has been kind of hectic lately with the boss out of town. (All her work falls to me when she's gone)

Plus - I can't really think of anything to blog about lately. Stuff's been happening, but I just don't feel the need / urge to write about it.

Here's a list of recent happenings in my life:
  • Pi Day - 3/14 (had some Pie w/Carol)
  • Got my digital camera fixed (for $80)
  • Daylight Savings ended (warmer jogs for me!)
  • Hung out in Venice with some friends on Friday (pricey town)
Nothing too big, right? I have some thoughts, but I think they're best left to when I have more time to think about them.

But in the meantime, gotta feed the blog.


-∆ said...

I think people really go in and out of wanting to blog. Readers are actually quite flaky, I find, and people check blogs often to procrastinate. Which means they're doing something else at the same time and can't necessarily spend 10 minutes there. Analytics tells me the average time on my blog is like 1:50, but I suspect that's distorted by my own visits. More likely, it's like 00:20 or so.

Jamie said...

i so struggle with wanting to blog sometimes and have often contemplated stopping by blog and moving down to a tumblr which is a stage up from twitter...lazy bloggers and making it so easy to reblog things you find interesting from other sites instead of taking time to search for your own content...

alas the debate continues, either way keep writing and putting your thoughts somewhere stu...

Anonymous said...

Huh. This is happening to me too. I wonder if it has anything to do with the season?