Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hipsters are People too

A lot of people make fun of “Hipsters” these days:

- I saw this youtube video parodying them called “Hipster Olympics
- Not to mention the website “Look at this Fucking Hipster
- There’s even a song out called “Fuck you Hipsters

One could even say that there’s an “Anti-Hipster” movement on the rise. I recently read this blogpost and then this article about “Hipster discrimination” up in Portland, OR. And another one in New York.

Isn’t that a lot of negativity directed towards a certain group of people?

From what I’ve heard, it’s because “hipsters think they’re too cool for school,” or that “it’s what they get for dressing /acting like that.” And while I admit that some of them can be pretty weird to the point of obnoxious, we all need to remember: 

Hipsters are people too.

And just like people, some of them can be the jerky-jerks who deserve a good ass-stomping. But, also just like people, (you see where I’m going with this?) they can be really cool if you get to know them.

For one thing – hipsters are pretty well-educated / well-informed about certain subjects. If you actually take the time to listen to one of them, instead of dismissing it as “hipster devil-speak,” you might find that they’re pretty knowledgeable about this or that.

(Granted, you should take anything anyone says with a grain of salt until you can verify it yourself)

Also – hipsters are pretty thrifty and know a lot of ways to save money. Shopping at thrift stores? Buying / drinking “two-buck chuck”? Riding a bike or taking public transit instead of buying a car? All made popular / socially acceptable by hipsters. You should be thanking them.

And finally – hipsters can be pretty fun to hang out with. They’re usually very creative and witty (smart) and know a lot of fun things to do that don’t cost a lot of money. I think they’re (partially) responsible for the “Ugly sweater Christmas Party” I went to a couple years ago and the resurgence of the artwalks.

Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t hate that one jerk hipster who made fun of you for still owning CDs or the other one who thought you were a fascist for eating meat. Those people are judgmental and naturally inspire feelings of anger/disdain. But don’t use those people to signify the whole subculture of hipsters in general; underneath that flannel shirt and hidden behind those Buddy Holly glasses is a person like you who deserves to be treated with respect.

And if you don’t, then you’re a bigot – and I will no longer consort with the likes of you!



Anonymous said...

I think a lot of people judge hipsters with a "judge first, lest you be judged" mentality - but fighting fire with fire just burns everything to the ground.

I usually use the line, "You know what's trendier than hipsters? Making fun of hipsters. You know who did that first? Hipsters, to each other."

We're at the point where the word doesn't sound like a word anymore.

Going to link people to this post. :)

R.E.M. Borja said...

More often than not, the people who make fun of hipsters are hipsters themselves. Self-loathing hipsters are the worst.