Tuesday, July 12, 2011

X-Men: First **CRAP**

So by now you’ve probably all seen X-Men: First Class  (and loved it) or decided that it’s not really worth seeing. I’m counting on this being “a given” so I can rant about this movie without any guilt about spoiling for anybody, but in case there are some of you who are waiting for it to come out on DVD…….!


I just don’t get how this movie gets an 87% on Rotten Tomatoes. If the major demographic of this movie franchise is “comic book nerds” like me, then how the hell did everyone else love it?
First of all, there are many, MANY, *MANY* discrepancies between the comics and this movie….as well as between the past 4 other movies! They include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Moira McTaggart is an American CIA agent? (She’s supposed to be Irish, and was played by Olivia Williams in X3, and at least she sounds like she’s from the same continent!)
  • Alex Summers – aka “Havoc” - is (approximately) the same age as Professor X? (Alex is supposed to be Cyclop’s *younger* brother. If this movie takes place before the X-men were formed / born, why is Havoc here???)
  • Mystique & Professor X grew up together as ‘brother & sister’? - (They’re mortal enemies in the comics, and are pretty much complete strangers in the first 3 X-men movies. What, they just forgot about each other after being “brother/sister” for all those years?)

Secondly – the movie made some poor choices regarding what mutants / characters to portray in this movie. The biggest offender would be Angel Salvadore - the stripper with fairy wings who can spit fire. Were there not any other choices available? Since we’re throwing continuity out the window, did no one think of cannonball? Polaris? Sunfire? Marrow? (Not Pixie, though – she’s practically the same character)

Also, did it not occur to anyone else that the devil guy (Azazel) is just a red (& evil) carbon-copy of Nightcrawler?

And I just do not agree that Kevin Bacon was the best choice to play Sebastian Shaw….or that Sebastian was the original creator /owner of Magneto’s helmet. It didn’t look that great on Ian Mckellen and it looks plain idiotic on Kevin Bacon.



who wore it better?

And finally – the whole Mystique & Professor X vs Magneto fiasco; that whole plot arc / storyline just seemed to fizzle out halfway through the movie, only to suddenly snap into place so Mystique lines up with Magneto for the first X-men movie. Did anyone else notice that she comes to this decision for almost no reason while her supposed brother lies dying right next to her???? 

“Hey Mystique, I know you secretly want to join Magneto’s team, but you’re just too scared to tell me, but you can go with him. Don’t worry, I’m okay with it. I’ll just lie here now that I'm paralyzed. I’ll be fine. It’s not like we formed this really strong bond growing up together or anything.”

 ........I know, I know; I sound like a huge nerd, don't I? 



-∆ said...

I'm with you on the Azazel nightcrawler thing. Also, shitty choice of mutants to portray for some reason.

I didn't have as much of a problem with the Mystique being Xavier's old friend thing, since that was also true of Magneto, and doesn't Mystique end up selling out Magneto at the end of X3 or something?

All in all, I enjoyed it, mostly because I'm not nearly as familiar with the comics as you seem to be, and also, Fassbender is just a fucking good actor.

Nanto Dwyer said...

ehhh, about the plot being not so "right", like Havok and Moira and Mystique, I completely agree with you that I couldn't figure out why they had to make it up in such a bad way.

But about the Azazel/Nightcrawler thingy, I actually read somewhere that Azazel was in the comic himself (so he was definitely not a made up character by these movie plot writers), and more even so, he was supposed to be Nightcrawler's father (the mother, obviously, is Mystique) according to the comic. That said, the X2 movie was also throwing this detail out of the window, as we can see that Mystique wasn't Nightcrawler's mother in that movie at all.

I can get why sometimes the movie plots are different from their original comics, but to be honest, these changes are not really necessary, and they kinda cause major misunderstandings as well.

But I gotta admit that I love the choices for the 2 main character, Erik and Charles. There is an obvious chemistry between the two of them, and it made them much more than just enemies fighting each other. I'd give it 50 out of 100. :)

Nice review, by the way.