Wednesday, June 23, 2010

About my Dad

I really hate bringing up uncomfortable topics in person for the very reason that it makes people uncomfortable. But since Father’s Day was this past Sunday, I thought I should take a post to say a few things about him for once.

You see, he passed away back when I was sixteen and ever since then, it’s been hard to talk about him….even with family. But I just wanted to say a few things about him here since....technically, I'm not talking - I'm typing.   

My dad had a pretty dark sense of humor like me. Not so much in the way that he would crack 'dead baby jokes,' but we would often get together and watch episodes of The Simpsons during it’s heyday (seasons 2 - 10). His favorite episode was “King-Size Homer” (Season 7, episode 7) where Homer tries to get declared “morbidly obese” so he can work from home.

He also had this really cool comic collection that he shared with me and my brother, consisting of a bunch of U.S. Army comics (Sgt. Nick Fury, etc.), a lot of old Justice League comics, and a bunch of “Tales from the Crypt” type comics. (like House of Mystery / House of Secrets  – the original series where The Sandman’s Cain and Abel came from)

Last thing I want to mention is how he’s the one who got me excited about playing video games. I remember when the original Nintendo system first came out, *he* was the one who played all the video games – particularly the
Legend of Zelda series  and Mike Tyson’s Punch-out  – and we would watch / help him play; it was our version of “quality time.”

So yeah….a few things I remember about my Dad. 


Witless Exposition said...

Good for you about opening up a little. I lost my mom this year, and Mother's day hit pretty hard.

It's hard to share a lot of what goes through your mind during a time of loss (and it's still a time of loss no matter how long ago it happened.)

A good way to get started is with the good memories, though. Very nice way to remember your dad.

R.E.M. Borja said...

Thank you for sharing. It sounds like he had a very profound influence on you.

-∆ said...

Hey Stu. I know we never discussed this, but Max told me about it not long after it happened. He saw you with your dads watch or something. So I never wanted to bring it up.

He sounds like a fun guy, and I can see where you got your sense of humor and appreciation for the Simpsons!

Stoodert said...

Witless Exposition - thanks for the comment - and the kind words! I should visit your blog more often. I tried to view it today, but your latest post warned me that it contained NSFW content (where I am right now)

Raul - He did have a pretty big influence on me. I never realized how big until maybe last year, though.

C7 - yeah, that was a surreal time. Probably best you didn't bring it up cuz I started to hate how people were constantly asking me how I was doing.

Jamie said...

It is good that you are opening up to talk about it. It also good to remember the good things about loved ones that passed on and not the bad memories.