Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I-Phone vs. Evo 4G!

So I wanted to write a Fourth of July / America post today (even though it’s now the Sixth of July), but I don’t actually have all my thoughts collected on that yet. So I’m just gonna post a bunch of videos that people have brought to my attention regarding the whole I-Phone 4 vs. Evo 4G battle going on.

If you haven't heard - the new I-Phone came out / is coming out.  There's also a similar device, called the Evo 4G, that is also coming out, but it wasn't advertised as much.  There's apparently some debate over which phone is "better." 

This video was created by a Best Buy Employee who was later fired for creating it. (Don’t worry about him, though – I hear he got offered a job at Gizmodo after this hit the web)

This next one is obviously a “rebuttal” video from an I-phone fan that does it’s best to paint the Evo 4G in a not so flattering light:

And this one is obviously just some kind of satire on the whole fiasco.  Oddly enough, this video makes the least amount of sense.

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