Thursday, August 26, 2010


A friend of mine is having a hard time with their new job and was asking for ways to deal with the stress.

A lot of people suggested yoga, exercise, positive affirmations, remembering to take vacations, movies, blogging, etc. all things that one could do by themselves to relieve the stress / frustration of his job. And while those are good ways to relieve the symptoms of stress, I don’t believe that doing those things will help you deal with the actual cause of it all.

My recommendation was ‘going to Happy Hour at the local Bar,’ which I admit SOUNDS like a bad way to relieve stress (“drinking makes the pain go away, lolz!”) But in my experience, “Happy Hour at the Bar” is when / where people go after work to blow off steam & complain with other co-workers and is a very good place to build a community of support. Exercise, meditation, etc. may do a good job of relieving stress – but so does talking with other people who know what you’re going through.

These people listen (something that a ton of other people in therapy have to pay $$$ for) and help by giving advice, sharing their own experiences, and agreeing that “yeah what you’re going through is pretty tough.”

I think people these days try to replace the idea of “building a community” with things like “commodities” & “comforts,” but I just don’t think it has the same effect.

What do you all think?
Also - how do you relieve stress?


Unknown said...

i relieve stress by sleeping. lol.
seriously, having someone who actually listens (for free that is) to all my rants is the best way to cure my stress.

nice entry. :)

Anonymous said...

My company has a "Company Morale Team" that takes us out for drinks whenever we have someone from our east coast or Canada offices in, or when we've all been slammed for a bit. As a result, we are all willing to bust our asses to provide a better service because we have a sense of camaraderie. We even get to whine about work to our bosses and they actually do something about it.

So this means I support the drinking idea, but when you form a community with your coworkers while you do this, support and encouragement in the interest of keeping everyone sane is borderline inspiring.